Tuesday 17 April 2012

Two Cups in a Row

Two cups
In a row
Will not
His mind blow
For with caffeine
He knows
The seeds of inspiration
It sows
And thoughts within

If we infer that the 'cups' referred to in the verse are a metaphor for life - playing on the clichéd phrase of 'cup half full/empty' - then the author is is presenting the audience with a picture of modern day existence.  The 'Caffeine,' mentioned in the piece - which we can interpret as being the very essence of life - holds the ability to destroy (having negative dark connotations of suicide and self-destruction in the use of the lexis 'blow') and thus the poet is conveying the a sense of human fragility in which human existence teeters on the brink of being and ceasing to be. Or it could just be about coffee.

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